Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Short and Sweet

Yes, I know that my posts are waning. It is the final stretch before the play, and life disappears amongst the make-up kits and costumes. Last night was our first make-up lesson, and I go again this evening. I get to do the main character, Aslan! I also have a squirrel and a satyr. Some of the other ladies like the pretty girl make-up so I leave that to them.
We finished Geography Club today. South America has much better food possibilities than Africa did. I think we all agreed that Africa was the worst for sharing recipes, though the peanutbutter ice cream is still one of my favorites. Today we all cooked together and the kids helped. I think we may do it again just for fun.
It has been amazing to watch this group of kids grow up together over the last six/seven years. I don't know what I thought when I started this, but I am pleased with how it has gone.
Next year we head to Central and North America. Sounds like good food possibilities then too!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Good Boys

I have been reminded lately of what good boys I have. I am not sure how I am so blessed, other than that the Lord has shone His mercy on me.
In the last couple of weeks I have been complimented on #2. It seems that some kids like him because he is always nice. "Some kids are nice part of the time, but #2 is ALWAYS nice," some have told me. Another parent said that #2 stood up for her daughter when even her brother wouldn't stand up for her.
I commented to #2 how proud I am that he is always nice and willing to stand up to friends to defend someone. His response? "I was just being me." Yes, he was.
#1 informed me that he will probably not be ready to leave home at 17 after he graduates. (Whew!) He thinks he will go to the local community college for a few classes and get a job somewhere. Then he can think about what he wants to do in "real college" and get some experience for his resume. With some experience he will be able to get a better job to help pay for college. Sounds very responsible to me.
Thank you God for such sweet boys. Please help us to parent them in the way that each one needs.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Found It!

The Bible tells us parables that Jesus used to express the excitement of finding the Kingdom of Heaven. There are parties and exclamations, probably even a bit of whooping and dancing. I don't think Jesus would have used my experience of finding something this morning to describe finding Heaven.
All last week I kept smelling something. Just a whiff here and there, especially if the dishwasher was running, but nothing I could pin point. Since it is getting cooler here, I imagined it was a dead mouse. I figured it crawled in near the dishwasher to get warm, and Plltt! It died.
It seems I was close. I was putting away dishes this morning and pulled open a drawer that doesn't get used often. Right on top of the ice cream scooper was a dead mouse. A big, dead mouse. A very well-fed, big, dead mouse. And he was a stinky mouse! I had to disinfect everything and put the drawer outside as well.
I'm glad Jesus didn't choose mice surprises to express the excitement of reaching Heaven. Yes, my heart raced, my voice rose in a shout, I even did a little dance. But Heaven just CAN"T smell like that!
Sorry for the lull in posts last week. I was running all over the place trying to take care of things. We had two out of town field trips that I will talk about later, a 4-H meeting and a Political Candidate Forum to attend, AND the van battery died. Thank goodness it wasn't on the day of the trips, but nonetheless, it was a difficulty to deal with.
For all of you Honda owners, a bit of advice. There is a code to get into the radio and other sound systems. If the sound system is ever disconnected from the electrical supply- like when you put in a new battery- the whole system shuts down and without the code you can't use it. Find the code BEFORE this occurs. It will make it nicer for you on a long trip with 5 middle school boys.
I found the code after the trips. I did do a happy dance over that found object.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven is Love

Sunday's sermon was about Jesus taking 613 rules of the Jewish religion and blasting them down to two rules: Love God and Love others. A few years ago at Winterfest the kids were taught it as L1L2. Whenever they hear L1L2 now they know: Love God, Love Others.
Sounds easy, loving God and loving others, but we know it isn't. Sometimes God doesn't do what we want. Most of the time Others don't do what we want. And instead of L1L2, it is LMe and no one else. We get in the way of Love.
L2 says tell your brother he did a good job, but LMe says, "I did a good job too. Why should I say anything to him?"
L1 says God has blessed me beyond expectation, but LMe says, "I'm pretty good and God ought to bless me. I deserve it."
Sometimes it seems like 613 rules would be better than just two.