Friday, August 11, 2006

Yesterday was spent in school and then running errands. We were trying to get done in time to go swimming with friends before heading home to more chores. We had not yet completed any errands, but were quite far from home, when #2 says, "Oops. I forgot my shoes again." Now I ask you, how can you walk out of the house, through grass and gravel, and not notice you are barefoot? But this seems to be the case with him. He has forgotten his shoes several times this summer. I was very irritated and told him we did not have time to go back. He would just have to ride in the cart at the stores or stay in the car for things like the bank. Later in the evening I was telling my husband about this and how "HIS" son was constantly forgetting his shoes, but he told me he must be "MY" son because he doesn't go anywhere barefoot, not even in the yard. I suppose I deserved that. I remember my childhood summers being barefoot all day, every day. What fun.

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