Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We started sewing yesterday. I really wish my friend Cassie were closer to me! I had a few sewing lessons from my mother, but not enough to make me good enough to teach much. The 4-H is having a Cotton Day in a couple of weeks, and the boys are sewing a knapsack for it. They are having a great time; both decided yesterday that they really like sewing. It doesn't hurt that book work was delayed until the sewing lesson is completed. I told them I will not have them going off to college not knowing how to sew! ______ Yesterday afternoon the boys sponsored a fundraiser for The Smile Train. It is a non-profit organization that provides free cleft palate and cleft lip surgeries for children around the world. We raised over $80!! The health dept. nurse came and taught the kids how to brush your teeth properly. She was a very kid-friendly person and it was a great lesson. The boys each gave a little speech to promote The Smile Train, and then they took donations. Good Job Boys!! _______ #2 wants to be President when he grows up. I asked him why a couple of nights ago and he said, "Because someone needs to make a law!" About what I queried. "There needs to be more men running radio stations. There is too much girl music on the radio and we need more men to play 'Man Music'!" Glad he knows what is important.

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