Our tradition is to color eggs the day or so before. Then the Easter Bunny hides your eggs if he likes them. We have always been lucky that he likes our eggs. Then we eat breakfast and head to church. I don't limit the kids' candy intake for a couple of days, and by this evening the solid bunnies were gone, as well as several other pieces.
Some eggs contain money; the boys made $1.50 this year. The hard boiled eggs were hidden in the dining room where the baskets had been left on the table.
The egg search is a big part of the excitement. It used to be followed with plastic egg hunts in the afternoon, but we seem to have grown out of them. The colored eggs were brown to start with- from our hens. Hubby asked if I was going to buy white eggs for the coloring, but with there being 14 dozen eggs to get rid of last week, I opted to color brown eggs!
Of course we have the traditional family Easter picture. This was taken at church. I still have a few inches on #1. Poor #2 looks a bit scrunched.
I made a skirt yesterday for my "Easter Best." It is reversible with two shades of pink. The fabric has a lot of embroidery and eyelets on it. I had trouble with the waist band. I may tear it out and put in a button instead.
We had hotdogs from Sheetz for lunch. I just don't have time before church to get it all together for a big lunch. So last year we started having Easter Supper and it seems to work well. This is my beautiful lemon meringue pie. I thought it turned out well. I didn't make the crust this year, but the rest is from scratch. Yum, Yum!
Ham, limas, carrots, and corn were all we had for our feast. I used to make a huge meal, but it would just have to be leftovers for the rest of the week, so I have scaled back. The boys don't care as long as we have ham. Hubby doesn't care as long as there is ham, limas, and PIE!
Next to chocolate chip cookies, my man loves pie. It seems that is the favorite for all my guys: cookies and pie.
We spent the afternoon resting, taking a walk, and doing some piddly things. It was nice to relax. I was able to get some shots of the goats too. I'll share those tomorrow.
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!!!!!
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