Friday, August 06, 2010

The Dangers of Vacation

There are common dangers on a vacation. You gain weight from too much food and not enough movement. You forget what is on your to-do list when you return from vacation. You have a flat or get lost. If you are with a large group you may have trouble getting along. But going to the Smoky Mountains brings danger all of its own. You probably can't tell, but that is a bear in the tree. Look left center, belly is toward the center with legs planted on center limb. We were under it. We had gone to Cade's Cove to drive around the loop at dusk and hopefully see some bears and other wildlife. We were not disappointed. We got out of the van to see what was the excitement stopping traffic, and here was this bear in the tree. He was eating leaves out of the top. That is the closest I have come to a bear in the wild.
Of course there is danger in the hiking as well. My family and my mother-in-law went early to Cade's Cove so that we could stop along the way to hike a bit. We hiked up to Laurel Falls. It is 1.3 miles straight up. Not fun on a hot and humid day. But once you are there it is worth it. See the danger sign on the completely open rock? Now look at the next picture of who planted himself in that precarious area. I wasn't feeling too good about it.
Downtown Gatlinburg probably offers some dangers as well in the form of pickpockets or thieves, but at least the bears are safer. Monday we head to Washington, DC. I wonder what dangers await us there?
NC also offers dangerous Krispy Kreme Donuts. I had a treat today after getting a lot of work done for school. It will start very SOON!!! But not before we head to the beach one last time tomorrow.