Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven

Preacher Man spoke from Matthew 13 Sunday. Jesus told the crowds about the Kingdom of Heaven using everyday, ordinary objects or events. It sounds confusing, even sacreligious, to describe the Kingdom in that way. He said the Kingdom is like a mustard seed, yeast, warring kings, construction contractors, treasure, well maybe that one sounds ok.
Then Preacher Man challenged us to look around this week and describe the Kingdom of Heaven in ordinary terms. It didn't take my goofy mind too long to start a list, and then I thought, Why not blog this? So for the next week or so you will be reading about the Kingdom of Heaven "Angel" style.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a perfectly roasted marshmallow. On the outside it looks hard and difficult to break into, but the crispy outside is easily broken and the soft, sticky sweetness is Heaven on a Stick! The Kingdom Ruler is not hard to serve, but He loves us with warmth and sweetness. Once His Kingdom touches a part of your life, it starts sticking to all of the other parts of your life. The more of the Kingdom you eat, the more you crave its goodness. Yes, the Kingdom of Heaven is a perfectly roasted marshmallow. He who has ears, let him hear.

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