Sunday, September 23, 2012

What Lasts?

God's love endures forever. That is something I can count on, trust in. That was the sermon today. It was  preached while my older child was visiting another church which contains a particular girl that our church does not contain. I am hoping that my son realizes God's love is soooo much better than what this girl has to offer. (Not meaning anything about the girl. That was meant to emphasize God.)
But a time will come when the boy will choose a girl to be with forever. How do you find a love that will endure forever? You don't.
My God is great. He is merciful, compassionate, generous, loving, and faithful. I do not have to wonder if His love is forever; I know that it is. I do not choose Him; He chose me. But my husband, who like me does not have all of those traits of God, will be with me forever. So how do I know that this love will last forever? Because I choose it to last that long. It doesn't much have to do with Hubby, but with me.
However, that decision was made nearly twenty-five years ago. I was young. Very young. But I also knew that it was to be forever, no matter what. Thankfully, Hubby knew that too and made the same decision. No matter what I do, he will love me forever.
Right now I don't think that my son has a clue about what a young girl thinks. I hope before he makes a decision that must last forever, that he will be extremely careful to make that decision with a girl who makes the same decision about him. I want my children to experience a marriage as fabulous as mine has been. One that lasts forever.

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