Sunday, February 10, 2013


I did not intentionally ignore #1's birthday a couple of weeks ago; I was having trouble getting Blogger to accept my pictures. So here are the few pictures I have of his birthday.
 New clothes from Grandma, and money from all of the grandparents, which always seems to fit just right.
 Momma got it right with the Van's shoes. They are flat skate boarding shoes that he seems to have a passion for.
And that is all of the pictures. We had a surprise party for him at a coffee house local to our town, but of course I am not allowed to take pictures of that! We rented the back room for a couple of hours, and he had a good time visiting with friends and enjoying a little coffee. He did ask how long Dad and I were staying, and I told him the whole time. BUT we would stay out in the main room and leave him and his friends alone. I know how it works by now.

#1 is an enigma of sorts to me. I think I have him figured out, and then he shifts everything on me, but overall I enjoy being with him. He is witty and a deep thinker. He is kind to kids that aren't his brother. He surprises me with hugs and words of love every now and then. He even told me a few weeks ago thanks for making him read the Bible so that he knows what is really in it instead of just what people say is in it.

He is having some struggles with growing up. He isn't sure what he believes about God and Jesus just yet, but he is thinking and processing, so I am not going to get scared just yet. He doesn't seem motivated by grades or money or cars, so I can't quite get him moving in the direction I would like. I do think he is very responsible though, and I am VERY proud of him and what he has accomplished in 16 years. He is a good young man.

He only has one year left at home- officially- though we may stretch it into 2 years. He will mostly be at the community college next year for school, and I am hoping that will let him have the independence that he is longing for while still allowing us to offer some guidance. We will likely be looking at colleges next month to get an idea of what he likes and desires. Sixteen will soon be eighteen.

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