Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Today I get back into the routine of life. The children I take care of come back, I need to pick up items for a 4H yard sale, the garden needs tended...on and on it goes. The boys are at their grandparents. Yesterday they baled hay and picked rocks out of the garden. Those are the same things I did as a child. Life always seems to get back to the work, and it feels good to be back.
"Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days God has given him- for this is his lot. Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work- this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Proverbs 5:18-20
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Back home once again. I seem to be disappearing and reappearing a lot of late. This last trip was home to throw a surprise 40th wedding anniversary party for my parents. They had an inkling that something would happen but had no idea what. So the surprise element was still there. We met at a picnic site at the local state park and friends and family came to wish them well and congratulate them. The weather was agreeable and my father came out of the hayfield to participate. That had been the most stressful part- how to keep it a surprise and yet get him out of the hay.
In their memory I thought I would tell their engagement story.
My father is 5 1/2 years older than my mother. He was just finishing up his stint in the army and she was in high school. They met through mutual friends who were dating. Their first date was to go driving to look at Christmas lights and decorations; I believe it was on Christmas Eve. It was love at first site, evidently, since they were married 5 months later. I don't know when they became engaged. My Dad is not a romantic guy, or else not creative, because when he proposed he placed the ring in the glove box of the car. While they were on a date, he said, "Open the glove box." And there she found the ring. That was it.
They have 2 children, me and an older brother, and my 2 boys for grandchildren. Their marriage has had a lot of rough spots, but shines all the more for the polishing. They look forward to another 40 years, according to my Dad.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
These are the prayers I have been praying in my morning devotions lately.
O God, fountain of love, pour your love into our souls, that we may love those whom you love with the love you give us, and think and speak of them tenderly, meekly, lovingly; and so loving our brothers and sisters for your sake, may grow in your love, and dwelling in your love may dwell in you, for Jesus Christ's sake. Canon E.B. Pusey
Father, thank you for making me your child and bringing me into a family of brothers and sisters the whole world over. As I affirm my love for you, help me to show that love in genuine affection for those who call you Father too. May my prayers, words and actions for all God's people reflect my love for you. Through Jesus my Lord, Amen. Anonymous
I am also reading James in the morning and chapter 3 really brought this home to me. How can I praise God and worship him so passionately and then think bad things about my brothers and sisters? I can say that I love everyone in the sense that I would help anyone who needed help, but to use the term "genuine affection" and to have to think of them tenderly, meekly, and lovingly...that is asking a lot. I have a lot of work to do.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
OK, if girls are unreasonable human beings, boys are just stupid. Thinking about the flaws of the females made me turn to the flaws of the males. They are so competitive and all about power that they just do stupid things. Who can jump off the roof into the pool? Who can make a parachute and jump out of a tree? Who tries to wrestle people three times their size and expects to win? Who absolutely has to climb the hitching post and won't relax until a method to do it is discovered? The answer: All of these were done by males that I personally know.
I got the results back yesterday from the boys' standardized tests. They are required to take it here in NC. I was very pleased with their progress from last year. I had reason to be concerned. It seems the third grade boys during testing had a race against the girls to see who could finish first. At break time another mom and I were told about it and were proudly informed that the boys were winning! We quickly put a stop to that, but I was unsure what damage was already done. It seems we are safe. Thankfully they aren't too stupid.
Monday, May 22, 2006
I had the church college group over last night for pizza. Afterward the group of guys stayed a while to shoot some hoops. I watched for quite a while, probably making them nervous. I was thinking about the future and how this will be a common sight in my driveway in a few more years. I can well imagine my sons and their buddies playing ball in the driveway. It is going so quickly, this walk of motherhood.
I had a discussion yesterday with a friend who has 3 grown sons. We were discussing the joy of having sons vs. daughters. I liked her words, "Boys are reasonable human beings; girls are not reasonable." I know that sounds horrible, especially coming from a woman, but it does ring with some truth. Having spent time in the schools and in youth ministry, I have to say, girls are often unreasonable.
That being said, I still pray for the women my boys will marry some day. I pray that they are being raised to know and love the Lord, that they are seeing a godly example of a wife and mother, and that they will fully commit to marriage when the time comes. I suppose I ought to also pray that they will be reasonable human beings too.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Got back yesterday from Gatlinburg, Tennessee in the Smoky Mountains. It was a great trip, though a bit cold at the first of the week. This year we chose to go to Dollywood and the Dixie Stampede. I am not positive, but I think the kids liked the Dixie Stampede best. Dollywood offers attractions for the whole family- which means the kids had to do some things they didn't care to do, but the adults liked it.
We also ventured out to Cade's Cove for a day. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. The kids played in the stream and on the rocks while the adults watched and played Sudoku. We had a picnic and took lots of pictures. I managed not to step on the snake that was right at my feet so my brother-in-law found another, just in case I wanted to step on it I suppose. #2 fell in the stream about 3 times and then we quit counting. He had a fabulous time jumping from rock to rock and crossing the stream on logs. Later he said he wished I would have brought 3 pair of pants for him to change into (I only had 1 extra pair!) and I told him I wished he wouldn't have fallen so much. His response, "I choose to ignore balance, Mom."
I don't know if this is the highlight of the week, but it is a memory I will always treasure. Son #1 wanted to prepare a church service for the family and so he worked on it the week before. His dad helped type it up, and I think made a few suggestions, but mostly my boy did it on his own. He made an order of worship and then presented a lesson on the gift of salvation. Certainly he messed up a few points and he could have ordered his thoughts better, but it was an eye-opening experience of how this little boy is growing up. At 9 years old he has a strong faith.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The boys and I walked through the field yesterday evening to meet the neighbors in the new subdivision. Two families have moved in so far and they seem nice. One family has a couple of older kids and one has a toddler. Hopefully soon the other houses will fill with lots of children to play with. I am trying to look at it that way so I don't just despise their presence in my quiet space in the world.
We took eggs to the neighbors, fresh ones from our chickens. Lee said he likes hearing our rooster in the mornings. I am pretty sure he would change his mind about that if he lived a little closer! Anyway, they seem very nice and genuine and my boys are glad they are here. On the walk back home through the field lightning bugs lit the way for us. They were out for the first time this summer. The moon was full and bright. Summer is starting off so well.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Today was the used curriculum sale for our home school support group. Last year didn't go so well for me; I didn't sell much and I didn't find a thing to buy. This year I thought the sale was better and I found several things for my children. As I was talking to another friend about the sale I discovered that she thought it was the other way around- last year was better than this year. That was because she was looking for curriculum- which was sold last year- and not "extras"- which seemed to be for sale this year. I, however, like the "extras" and not necessarily the curriculum packs/sets.
It has taken several years to figure all of that out, which may seem odd given that I was a school teacher before the children were born. I really enjoy the freedom of reading lots of books about a subject and not just what the text says. We go to the library weekly and we read a lot. I use the Core Knowledge Series for each grade and see what I am supposed to cover for the year and then check it out at the library.
4th grade looks like it will be a lot of fun, Medieval History and King Arthur, Knights, and Magic. We will repeat 2nd grade with Ancient Greece, mythology and gods. Great stuff for boys!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I had a great compliment this evening. Today was our last day of school for the year. Next week the kids have spring break and the week after that starts their summer vacation. I know that means that really they are starting summer vacation now, but they really want that spring break in there. Anyway, when my husband came home about 8:30 this evening, we were lighting sparklers to celebrate the last day of school. He said, "You are the neatest mom." It evidently didn't occur to him to celebrate. I guess that is because he isn't the teacher!
The kids are thrilled that summer is here and "no more lessons, no more books". I am excited because the fun part of school happens this summer. We are going to travel a good bit and see a lot of the history that we have studied the last couple of years. Hands-on learning, up close and personal; the best school days are yet to come- just don't tell the kids!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The boys and I picked strawberries at a local farm yesterday. There are several places nearby to do that here. Today we had strawberry shortcake for lunch. I know, my mother's best judgment wasn't kicking in there, but I had my reasons.
About a year ago my grandmother died. She was the grandma that braided my hair before school, always had time to listen, never condemned me, made buckwheat pancakes in the fall, laughed until she cried, loved her husband and children ferociously...She was wonderful. Grandma was a flower lover much more than she was a good housekeeper. She never dusted or swept if it could be helped, but she always had flowers growing, inside and out. For her 50th wedding annivesary her children gave her a rose bush for each child- 13! Papaw planted them out front of the house and each was a different color. She tended them and he dusted them. Roses remind me of Grandma. When she died we planted a rosebush in her honor in the front of our house.
So what does that have to do with strawberry shortcake? One of Grandma's favorite stories was about the time they loaded the kids in the back of the truck and drove from WV to Michigan to visit relatives. When they got to an older aunt's house the aunt was concerned about what to feed all of them. Grandma had noticed the large strawberry patch and said if it was alright with her, she would make a shortcake and they could just have strawberry shortcake for dinner. She said the kids were never allowed such a luxury at home and it would certainly be a treat to them. So that is what they did, strawberry shortcake for dinner. So today, knowing it was not the best nutritional lunch we could have, my children and I enjoyed a special treat; they strawberry shortcake and me, a good story with my grandmother. I miss you.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Keeping up with the Joneses is not normally a problem for me. I don't much covet what others have, I'm not jealous of other's wealth and possessions. I have a fabulous life and I know it. I really am grateful for all that God has blessed me with financially, but my thoughts are more often turned toward what God has given me that has no monetary husband and children, the opportunity to be a home schooling family, great extended family, a happy childhood, land and space to enjoy the beauty around me, a church family that loves the Lord. But sometimes the Jones family creeps into my thoughts.
We went to a music recital of a friend from church on Sunday. He did a great job and has accomplished much by his study of music. Afterward, his parents had a reception at their house to celebrate his success. I was asking the father about how they got into doing all of this musical activity and he told me the kids never really loved it. Their mom made them do it. So I went on to ask why would you force them to do it if they really don't enjoy it- it is a very expensive activity. He thinks it is good for them to have something that disciplines their lives and this is a good intellectual way to do that. Enter the Joneses.
I started to wonder am I wrong to not push my children more when they hate an activity? Should I force them to continue, even though it means arguing and punishing, paying out money? I guess it may not be the "Jones Syndrome", maybe it is insecurity as a parent, but it flustered and frustrated me. I have made the children finish activities they start and don't enjoy. If I have paid for something you WILL finish it, whether you like it or not. They have learned some discipline by that I suppose.
Then I started to think about my childhood and to ask my husband about his. We are both very bright people, always at the top of our classes. We are fulfilled adults with a healthy perspective on life. Neither one of us had a "discipline" as a child and we turned out fine. I finally have decided that it is the American Ideal creeping in on me again that has upset me so. Let the children explore what they want to explore at the rate and pace they want to explore it. They will follow the path that leads to happiness just as their parents did.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Dinner conversation the other night: 7 year old says, "I'm not going to go to college." Father says, "That's fine but what are you going to do, because you aren't living with us." Son answers, "I'll live with my grandparents until I'm 35." Father, "Then what?" Son, "Then I'll be the first president who never went to college." Where does he come up with these?
I started cleaning out curriculum for a used sale at the end of this week. I thought a couple hours at the most, boy was I wrong! I worked on it about 9 hours Saturday and still need to do a bit more. I am getting more of a taste for what I actually do and teach (we have been at this 3 1/2 years now) and so even though it is hard to part with some things, I know it is for the best. It looks like next year will be a fun one though. We get to go through the Middle Ages and Medieval history. Lots of knights, castles, and magic; should be interesting. Repeating 2 grade next year too and I remember all of the Greek gods and mythology was really interesting as well.
Talked to an old friend for half an hour today. We haven't spoken in about 7 years. My boys and I will be visiting her in Philadelphia this summer. It is always such a joy to have a friendship that picks up where it left off. The rest of that trip will be to visit a friend in Canada and it is the same type of friendship. It should be a fabulous summer.
Next week starts our summer, though it is officially my children's spring break since they didn't get one this year. We will be meeting up with family in the Smokie Mountains. The kids have talked of nothing else for weeks; they had so much fun there last year. After that they will go home with their grandparents for a stay and summer break will begin. They have been double timing school the last couple weeks so that they will be allowed to go. Great motivator!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Father of Creation,
Just like you did for Adam and the Israelites, you have provided what is best for me. You have protected me, fed and clothed me, and you have searched for me in the cool of the day.
And just like Adam and the Israelites, I have failed you. I have tortured those around me with fear and humiliation. I have looked down on those around me and held them tight in a yoke you did not fasten.
Perhaps the worst thing I have done, though, is to refuse to meet you in the garden of your delight. You have watched for me and I have turned away.
Help me to daw close to you now. Plant my feet firmly in your ways and never let me dry up or be overtaken by weeds. Let me produce the fruit of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Calvin and Hobbes strike again. Sunday at church I heard my youngest say to one of the elders, "I know where babies come from." "Oh you do?" the elder asked and continued to stir his coffee with a look that said 'I hope this conversation isn't going any further.' "Yeah, you get them at Sears. But my brother came from KMart. He was a blue light special, real cheap." We were all relieved.
Yesterday I was working in the garden when I heard #2, 4, & 5 talking about a snake. I thought they were pretending and went on with my weeding. Then I heard, "Wow look how long it is! It's really alive too." That's when I took off running for the toy shed yelling, "Get out of there! Is there really a snake?!" Well yes there was really a snake and they were having a great time looking at it and watching it crawl around. I got them out of the shed and onto the porch and yelled for my hero hubby to come take care of that horrible thing. It was a harmless field snake and he took it over to the property beyond ours. I am SO glad I am not a guy!
We had lettuce, onions, and radishes from our garden this evening. I love growing a garden!
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