Monday, May 22, 2006

I had the church college group over last night for pizza. Afterward the group of guys stayed a while to shoot some hoops. I watched for quite a while, probably making them nervous. I was thinking about the future and how this will be a common sight in my driveway in a few more years. I can well imagine my sons and their buddies playing ball in the driveway. It is going so quickly, this walk of motherhood. I had a discussion yesterday with a friend who has 3 grown sons. We were discussing the joy of having sons vs. daughters. I liked her words, "Boys are reasonable human beings; girls are not reasonable." I know that sounds horrible, especially coming from a woman, but it does ring with some truth. Having spent time in the schools and in youth ministry, I have to say, girls are often unreasonable. That being said, I still pray for the women my boys will marry some day. I pray that they are being raised to know and love the Lord, that they are seeing a godly example of a wife and mother, and that they will fully commit to marriage when the time comes. I suppose I ought to also pray that they will be reasonable human beings too.

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