Monday, May 08, 2006

Dinner conversation the other night: 7 year old says, "I'm not going to go to college." Father says, "That's fine but what are you going to do, because you aren't living with us." Son answers, "I'll live with my grandparents until I'm 35." Father, "Then what?" Son, "Then I'll be the first president who never went to college." Where does he come up with these? I started cleaning out curriculum for a used sale at the end of this week. I thought a couple hours at the most, boy was I wrong! I worked on it about 9 hours Saturday and still need to do a bit more. I am getting more of a taste for what I actually do and teach (we have been at this 3 1/2 years now) and so even though it is hard to part with some things, I know it is for the best. It looks like next year will be a fun one though. We get to go through the Middle Ages and Medieval history. Lots of knights, castles, and magic; should be interesting. Repeating 2 grade next year too and I remember all of the Greek gods and mythology was really interesting as well. Talked to an old friend for half an hour today. We haven't spoken in about 7 years. My boys and I will be visiting her in Philadelphia this summer. It is always such a joy to have a friendship that picks up where it left off. The rest of that trip will be to visit a friend in Canada and it is the same type of friendship. It should be a fabulous summer. Next week starts our summer, though it is officially my children's spring break since they didn't get one this year. We will be meeting up with family in the Smokie Mountains. The kids have talked of nothing else for weeks; they had so much fun there last year. After that they will go home with their grandparents for a stay and summer break will begin. They have been double timing school the last couple weeks so that they will be allowed to go. Great motivator!

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