Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I just thought some of my Northern Readers would like a glimpse into the warmer clime of the South. Yesterday the boys and I worked on the backyard habitat. We are digging a pond for a water source for the habitat. The boys rolled up their pant legs and waded in the water left from recent rains. They played in the water and mud for a couple of hours. (I guess I was the one working on the habitat.) Last night #2 slept outside in his tent- all by himself, all night. Very brave in my opinion. I think the funniest thing about yesterday was this conversation with #2: "I'm going to sell buckets of this mud to men for their wives. It will be like a day spa. They can put zucchini on their eyes and cover up with mud. I'll charge 10 cents a bucket." So anyone want to be the first customer? Perhaps he was his own advertising, as he said this with his face plastered in mud.

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