Monday, February 05, 2007

OK, this does not surpass getting chickens and a duck from a wedding, but here is what happened yesterday. I was trying to take a Sunday afternoon nap when the doorbell rang. As I rushed to dress, #2 answered the door and then yelled for me. As quickly as I could, I got to the door. There stood a hispanic man and around the corner of the house came another man and a boy about 10 years old. The man at the door asked me in very broken English if I had any chickens for sale. No I didn't. He said "Oh." and then hung his head and kicked his foot, like a sad little schoolboy. So I asked him if it was ok if they were young- 4 months- and how many did he want. He wanted 2 and yes it was fine if they were young. I got little else out of him because of the language barrier. Every question I asked was answered with yes. Do you want it to eat or do you want a layer? Yes. Do you want it to eat? Yes. Do you want a layer? Yes. Do you have something to put them in? Yes. So I stopped talking and just got him two of the wedding chickens. He was excited to see the goats and asked if I would sell one of them. I told him no, I need them still, but in a couple of months I might sell Elvis and some rabbits. I caught the chickens and they climbed in their van- I never saw them put into something; I can't imagine what the van looks like! So they left 2 chickens richer and $10 poorer. I wonder how many more people will show up on my doorstep now. ____________ #1 won the chili cook-off in his category last night. He entered the Burning Bush category. His competition was the best cook in the church, so he should be very proud to win. #2 and I were 2 of the judges. I won't do that again next year- I am paying a high price for it today!

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