Thursday, July 21, 2011


Part of raising kids is letting them go. Last week I let my older son go to the opening of Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows, Part 2. That's right. The midnight show. The one that lets out at 2:05 AM. Yes, I normally go to bed at 10:00 PM.
He asked if he could go with friends, and I said yes. I had a couple of caveats. I had to approve of the friends, and I had to be there. Not that I actually had to go in to the movie, but I was going to be in the parking lot the entire time. Just in case.
He went with two of his best friends, and they had a fabulous time. I dropped them off at 10:30 after a candy stop at Sheetz. I put the seat down in the back of my van, threw out a comforter and a pillow, and went to sleep. At 2:08 they called to say they were on their way out. Nothing happened.
That is how I let go. Small increments.
He is starting to ask questions about church now. I so badly want to tell him that Jesus is the only way and if you don't accept that, I will hog-tie you and lock you in your room until you get it. But I don't. I answer his questions. I let him go to other churches. I let him read other books. I keep the conversation running. And I let go.
God has to take this part of parenting for me. I am desperate that #1 should claim the Lord Jesus as his Savior, but I can't do that for him. I can take him to the Lord, but all I can really do is sit in the parking lot and wait.

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