Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I took the boys to the Ag Center on Monday morning to drop them off for the ride to State Congress in Raleigh. A few of the moms were standing around visiting, and one asked what I planned to do with the boys gone. "Relax," quickly interjected one of the moms.
"You don't know Angel if you think she is going to relax. I bet she has a long list already made out!" stated my friend.
How right she was. I have been working on school plans for my high schooler. He is taking a couple of classes through The Great Courses, but I have to come up with the assignments and syllabi. I finished Myth in Human History a couple of days ago, and yesterday I nearly finished Geology. The Geology prof is actually from WVU, and it looks quite intimidating in the notebook. I watched some of the videos, and although it is difficult material, the prof seems to make it interesting and understandable.
Besides school I also had a list of things to do around the house. The dog finally got that bath she has been needing, and today #2 and I worked on the front porch.
"What made you decide to do all of this work all of a sudden?" he asked.
"I didn't decide all of a sudden. It has been on my list for a couple of weeks, but we are just now getting to it," I replied.
We washed the ceiling, windows, floor, furniture, and cushions. We painted the rockers, sanded and shellacked the big rocker, and returned the porch to a generally acceptable state of being. This was the first time I let #2 try painting, it was spray paint in the yard, and he did fairly well. However, he went through the paint faster than I expected, and now I need to go get one more can to finish a couple of spots.
Tomorrow I head to Raleigh to help pick up all of the 4Hers and their luggage. #2 is happy that we can't work for too long. He understands "relax" in a different way than his mother.

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