Saturday, March 10, 2012

Allergy Meds and Sleep

 Just over a week ago I got some new critters. A friend was driving over to a town to get some new chicks, and they had the kind I like, so I asked her to get a few for me. Ten is a few when you are speaking of chicks. Now, we have had a very mild winter, rarely even getting down to freezing at night, so I thought March would be fine for going ahead with the chick idea. Of course, just a couple days after they arrive, we have the coldest weather all winter, and I had to bring the chicks in at night.
I was having allergy problems last night, so I took an allergy pill partway through the night. Boy will that mess with your dreams. I dreamed that these little chicks were being taunted by "Tom", the cartoon cat, and I was so drugged I couldn't do anything but hiss at him as he slowly ate my chicks. I could hear the bones crunching. Ugh.

This is a panda preparing for an Odyssey of the Mind competition. It was supposed to be Spring Break for us here this week, but the teams had to do a lot of last minute prep and so the week was spent at practices. #2 and his dad got up at 5:30 this morning to get ready to leave. The competition is about 1 1/2 hours away.

 The kids have worked all school year on  getting this ready. Their problem was to make a skit that solves two problems and helps the community. They made up a skit about pandas being poisoned. I watched it last Wednesday, and I was rolling laughing. They were hilarious with what all they thought up. This is my poor panda in jail below. He uses his great-grandmother's tin cup to bang on the bars!
 They had to practice outside. The competition is at a school, so I hope it goes well. They should be used to dealing with a lot more distractions, like wind, sun, a cat that sprays, etc. Good luck Buddy!
Hubby is the one who took #2 to competition, but he is also there as a coach. He coached the high school team this year. Our high school son did not participate, so KUDOS to my Hubby for stepping out of his boundaries and helping the kids out.

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