Sunday, March 11, 2012

Honestly Officer

#1 is a driver now. He has been driving since February 28... as a permit holder anyway. I am in the car with him giving helpful advice, like "AAAHHHH!!!! What are you thinking?!"
 It was scary the first few days, but it is getting better. At first he couldn't keep it between the lines in the lane, but now he pretty much does. Also, he has no concept about slow down; he either goes or stops. Slow down just doesn't exist. And the last thing? He doesn't seem to be aware that anyone else is on the road besides himself. Look in the rearview mirror? Why? Side mirrors? Aw Shucks Ma, why would I do that?
But he is pretty proud of his picture. Just hope he doesn't have to ever show it.
His dad hasn't driven with him yet. Maybe he will tell a different story.

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