#1 is nearly 16, #2 is 14, and the others right to left are 10, 6, and nearly 5.
Here is everyone else, ages unmentioned, but boy do we all look good for what we are!
And then we had to add some silliness. I bought moustaches through Oriental Trading and we had a little fun. Notice Hubby's 'stache is tilted. I guess he can only wear a natural one! He has had a beard and moustache so long I can't remember what he looks like without one.
Then came our family picture. Handsome group of hairy people aren't we?
This one is a card. This pose was his idea and he hopes to put it on FaceBook!! What a nut!
This was my favorite gift of the season. Last summer this little guy stared at a picture of my two boys dressed as pirates when they were little ones. He thought it was a fabulous picture.
He told me he wanted to look like a pirate and he even wanted a beard. Well this aunt filed that away for several months and then went to work. I was able to get a bunch of moustaches so he can play with his buddies.
And then I was even able to find this fabulous beard!! He was the perfect pirate. We were able to find bunches of dress up stuff for his treasure box since we live in The Pirate Nation. Don't you just love the parrot on the shoulder?!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
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