Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kids Are Gone, Am I Playing?

The boys left yesterday for State 4H Congress in Raleigh. This is #2's first time to go for the whole week. Last year he was allowed to stay one night. He seemed apprehensive about going this year-- excited but still a bit unsure. #1 was very nervous since he was competing for a free trip to Atlanta in November. He had to write an essay, fill out an application, and make a resume all before Congress. Then yesterday he was to have an interview. He will find out Wednesday if he won. They all come back on Thursday afternoon.
So am I playing while the cats are away? Well, Hubby and I took advantage of his day off yesterday and headed to the beach for the day. It was quite windy and there was a strong current, so it wasn't as fabulous as it could have been, but it sure was good to be out of town with my man for a day. We stayed at the beach for a few hours, then headed over to a little town to walk around and have dinner.
Now what will the mice do today? Well the big one is headed to the office and I am headed to the ladder. I plan to paint two ceilings. These mice sure know how to play!!

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