Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reading Again!

When I was young I read constantly. My dad would yell about being tired of seeing kids with their noses in books and shoo us outside. (My brother was a reader, too.) Even after I grew up and got a job, I often was reading a good book. Being a teacher, I spent my summers absorbed in good reads.
Then I had children. The world of books still existed, but it bcame One Foot, Two Foot and Skip to My Lou instead of thicker, more age-appropriate texts. Every now and then I would sneak in a couple days of books, but those days were years apart. I thought I had became a non-reader. I was wrong!
Now that the boys are older and more independent, I am able to read again. I am not sure how many books I have read in the past year, but I know it is more than I read in the past fifteen years! Yesterday I actually read two books in 24 hours. Today I have some work to make up for, but I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on the porch, and the couch when it was too hot on the porch, to read all day yesterday. I think the boys enjoyed it too. #1 had gotten three books Sunday at the store and he was poring over them. Like mother like son, I suppose.

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