Saturday, July 07, 2012

Sleep Disruption

Two years ago, #1 took a Biology class with a group of kids. One of the assignments for class was to complete a project and then display it. If I remember correctly, #1 chose to see if talking to plants would actually help them to grow.
#2 was intrigued with the idea of doing a project, and started thinking about his own. Last year he decided on his project: Sleep Disruption. He wanted to see what the effects would be if he switched his sleeping pattern to day time and was up all night. I told him that kind of experiment would have to take place in the summer.
So this week, seeing a cleared calendar, #2 set to work on his experiment. He started Wednesday night, meaning that he was up for 22 hours straight in order to get started. Thursday morning he said he didn't want to do it any more. I spent some time giving him some strategies and encouragement, and he did it again that night. Last night he  had a friend come over with the knowledge that he was to help #2 stay up all night.
I don't know what time they gave up, but at 6:15 this morning, they are both asleep on the couch. This was probably the last night for the great experiment, but I think he has learned a lot already. The idea was to see what it would be like to be a shift worker. I am pretty sure he will not decide on a career that requires night work.
On the up side, #1 realized how much he likes his brother. While the two of us had lunch together yesterday, he asked if this is what it will be like for me in  a couple of years, lunch with just one boy. "It's kind of strange without him," remarked #1. Yes, it is, but its a lot quieter too!

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