Monday, April 01, 2013

A New Story

Holiday timing says that this past weekend last year was the death of my dog, Kelly. She died the Saturday before Easter, though that was April 8th last year. This time it wasn’t a dog, but a chicken that died on Saturday.

Ironically, it was the “Easter Egg Chicken”, an Aracauna breed that laid blue-green eggs. She was actually quite old for a chicken, perhaps six years old, and the eggs had come very infrequently the last year or so. Still she had been with me for a while, and it was surprising to find her in the coop, stiff and lifeless.

Death is a natural part of life. Accidents happen, dogs and people die. Age corrupts the body of everything, and Death captures its prey. It is a story that has been told millions of times.

Even God authored one of these tear-jerkers, though in a more intense and intentional manner. He was not the victim of an accident, nor did he give in to the natural cycle of birth, life, and death. He was hostilely accosted in the middle of the night, beaten and tortured, mocked and scorned, and hung out to die.

Like any of us experience today, the death of a friend was overwhelmingly sad, distressing, and unexpected to those who loved him. It was such a slap in the face that His disciples slumped into a dark room and wept together over their great and unexpected loss. His mother tore her robes and cried unceasingly, her heart pierced as with a sword.

Sleep evaded their weary bodies and brains. Food held no interest. Tears flowed involuntarily down the cheeks of His family and followers. The sad sound of weeping and wailing filled the darkness until some could stand it no more. Death may have extinguished their hope, but it would not hold them back from the one they loved.

Rising early to care for the body of their loved one, the women walked through the dusky, quiet streets holding hands for encouragement and strength. Leaving the town behind, they tripped over roots and ruts as they walked to the tomb, burdened with spices and wash rags to properly prepare Jesus for eternity.

Great despair had seized their hearts and minds. They could not comprehend what happened next. Angels met the women and told them their journey to the tomb was over, but the adventure was just beginning. Jesus revealed himself to his loved ones as the living, resurrected Righteous One.

In that one moment, the last page of the Book of Death was turned, and a new book, the Book of Life, was begun. Life before was a prequel of an adventure sequel that still keeps us on the edge of our seats. But unlike the readers of Jesus’ day, we have already flipped ahead and know how this one is going to end. Rest assured, the only tears at the end of this story are tears of joy! Long live the King!!

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