I use Mary Kay products, have for about twelve years or more. I, however, do not use nail polish very often and only apply on my toes. In fact I was still using the same original polish I started with twelve plus years ago when I decided this winter during a cleaning frenzy that the jar should probably NOT look that color. I threw out the polish without thinking that I would not make a MK order before toe nail season arrived.
So as Hubby and I looked around for articles to fill the boys' Easter baskets, he asked what I would like. Passing the nail polish section in WalMart I remembered my dilemma and commented that I could use some new polish. Together we perused the selection, and I politely asked which color he preferred. I was leaning toward a soft pink.
"Red," he said immediately.
"Really? You like red nail polish?" I was flabbergasted. I never would have imagined that he would choose red. He's a PREACHER for goodness sakes! So we kept looking at the multitude of red shades and chose "Diamonds and Rubies". Just for fun we also picked out a bright pink and a purple.
But then I kept wondering, what else do I not know about this man with whom I share everything?We have known each other for about 25 years, married for over 23 of them. We have a mortgage, car payments, health information privileges, two kids and a dog. I know what he likes to eat, often finish his sentences, and read his mind through his eyes. So how did I not know he likes red nail polish? Evidently I don't know everything there is to know about this man.
I teach an elementary class of kids at church. They are around 8-10 years old, and I have been stressing to them the importance of reading God's Word, the Bible. How will you ever know God if you don't read what He has to say, I ask them. So recently one of the kids was telling me what he was reading. Then I told him what I was reading at the time.
He was shocked and burst out with, "Haven't you read that before?"
"Why yes. In fact I read the New Testament three times this past year," I stated, hoping to encourage him in his own endeavors.
"But if you've already read it, why are you reading it AGAIN?" he asked.
"Because I keep noticing things I never saw before."
I have a great marriage. We have fun together, support each other, talk and play together. But even with all of that togetherness, I missed out on nail color preferences. Obviously it isn't the most important detail to know about a man, but it does seem sort of basic. Unless I spent more time with Hubby asking him these questions, listening to his comments, thinking about what he wants, I would never get to really, really know and appreciate my husband.
As a Christian I am the bride of Christ, part of the church. Unless I spend time with him, how will I ever know what he likes, what he wants me to know, what he cares about? Maybe he can forgive my pink nails, but what if he would really like them to be red?
". . . as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you." Isaiah 62:5
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