Thursday, December 08, 2005

Last weekend our church had a party. We ate together and then had a sort of talent show. It ended with a slide show of the year's events and people. I was struck by how much has happened here in one year. We have grown in size and in committment. We have reached out to those in our neighborhood, community, and farther. It was good to be reminded. Last week I spent a day at the ER with a friend. She is a widow and her young daughter had fainted. She didn't want to be alone. I am so glad I could be there with them. Once again I saw the blessing of God in community. The holiday season can be very tiresome and stressful. I try hard for it not to be, but it does get that way. I make a lot of our gifts and that takes effort. In order to get things done and still be available to my family, I will not be writing until after the holidays.


Chris Beason said...

I'll miss reading your blog, but I totally understand! Hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Cindy said...

Hi- I found your blog through Annette. Hope you don't mind- I linked to you under my friends blogs.