Summer in Eastern Carolina means water. Really, any time of year in Eastern Carolina means water, but hot weather increases its enjoyment. Swimming in the pool, river, or ocean is a relaxing way to cool off. People boat, fish, jet ski, tube, and water ski. Watching a calm body of water is one of the most soothing ways to relax. But, there is a dangerous side to water, as we all know.
I remember as a young child swimming with family and friends in the river. It wasn't a fast flowing river, but I slipped on some rocks and got caught under the flow. A family friend noticed and pulled me out of danger. It was a looonngg time before I felt comfortable near water again.
I was reading Mark this morning and stopped at the story of Jesus sleeping in the boat. A terrible storm has come up, and all of the men in the boat are nervous and worried. Except Jesus. He is fast asleep on a pillow. The men wake him with, "Don't you care that we are going to drown?"
What a seemingly silly question. He has fed you, given you powers to heal people and rid them of demons, stood up against the powerful men, kept you safe for quite a while now, and you want to know if he cares if you drown!?
Actually, it doesn't sound so crazy after all. Remember, water is a dangerous thing. Maybe Jesus has power over demons, but this is nature. This is the tough stuff. We're all doomed, and he is sleeping! "Don't you care that we are going to drown?"
Yes, he cared. He cared about more than drowning. He stopped the whole storm. He could have slowed it down. He could have told the men not to worry and reminded them that he had done great things. He could have prayed in front of them and calmed them. But he showed them the extent of his power. He calmed their fears, stopped their worries, and amazed their hearts.
And he still cares. You may feel like you are drowning... The sea waves are crashing around your little boat. Water is splashing over the sides and rushing at your feet. Lightning is flashing, the wind is roaring, and thunder is shaking your very being. "Jesus, don't you care!?" You are frightened and confused.
Rest assured, Jesus is not asleep. He sees you in your terror and distress. He controls the storm. Focus on him and see if the storm suddenly seems to lose its power. He definitely cares about you and won't let you drown, no matter what it might look like right now.
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