This list was sitting on the counter Monday morning:
Paint livingroom ceiling
Paint dining room ceiling
Clean porches
Repair paint on back porch
Paint/repair front porch
Fix area around septic sytem
Prune birch trees
Dig out mimosa stump
Tomato covering
Roundup on walkways
"We have to do all of this today?!" exclaimed #2.
"Good heavens, no! That is the list for the summer," I responded.
Can you even imagine doing all of that in one day? It has taken all week, but the porches are done, the mimosa stump is gone, and the Roundup has been sprayed. WooHoo! I used Olympic sealer on the porch, and I feel like what it must be like to be on steroids.
You see, last winter I got sick. Sick for about a month. Then it took a month before I could even walk a mile; I normally do a few miles a day. I kept on going, but I was exhausted. Finally, I realized that I was sleeping 10-12 hours a day and still feeling like I had been hit by a truck, so I turned to my "steroids". I run low on iron, and sometimes I have to take a supplement. I hadn't been doing that for quite a while- maybe a couple of years- so I started back on it. Oh My Goodness!!!
I didn't realize how bad off I was until I started feeling good again. I was getting done what had to be done and no more. I was trying to figure out why I just didn't seem to have enough time to do the things I used to do. Came to find out it wasn't time, it was ability. I was exhausted.
Since taking the iron steroids I feel fantastic again! I worked really, really hard this week, and I am still doing alright. I even had a sleepless night once this week. I know that should sound like a bad thing, but I have been sooo exhausted that I haven't had a sleepless night in months!
So now I take the 4Hers off to camp for a week in WV. I actually do not have to stay with them this year since the camp has enough volunteers, so I am only teaching a class in the mornings. I get to sleep at my parents' house and enjoy a private shower! The class I am teaching is called The River's Edge and is an environmental science class, so I really don't need to prepare much. I plan on spending some freee time hiking and writing. I told Hubby I always do my best writing when I am home.
I have been looking over my blog's history so I can begin writing lessons I learned from that dog. Not only have I realized things about the dog, but it has been fun to see my boys as youngsters again, to see God working through answered prayers, and to enjoy some of my former writings. We'll see what happens!
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