Wednesday, June 20, 2012


One of my favorite parts of our home is our porch. The front porch is as long as the house is wide and about 8 feet wide. We have 3 rockers and a porch swing and there is still plenty of room to move around. When our parents come to visit, they can be found out there sitting. When it rains, #1 can be found swinging and enjoying his special weather. And when I wake early and would like a cup of tea, it is best enjoyed wrapped in a blanket on the front porch. But porches aren't always wonderful things.
It seems every summer I have to paint the porches. This is a moist clime in which we live, and it is hard on outdoor surfaces. I don't actually paint every single year, but close! Last year I was able to skip the front porch, having done it the year before, but the back deck that had been painted was desperately in need last summer of another paint job. So while I was in WV Hubby painted it for me...the wrong shade of green. So when I returned, I painted the back deck. (That was not a shot at Hubby. He tried and I appreciate that.)
Then last summer we had a hurricane, Irene. She did some damage  to a lot of poeple's homes around here, so I hate to even say what damage we had, but it did mean that the porch ceiling was messed up. So now I am spending my week cleaning, scraping, and painting the porch. The back deck was cleaned, and it has some spots that need touched up, so I will be repainting it too.
So #1 finished up school last Saturday, and I started my summer job list this Monday. Can't wait until I get to sit on my porch and relax with some sweet tea or lemonade. I am guessing in two more days, and two bottles of Acetiminophen,  that will be a reality! WooHoo!!

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