Given the low number of recent posts you might be concerned that I am drowning or perhaps have already drowned. You would be incorrect, though I quite certainly understand your position.
Here is #1 and the two guys who went with him to Raleigh to be a governor's page almost a MONTH ago! Yes, time flies. He had a good time, and mostly I was impressed with his ability to get himself to work in a suit and tie. This was at the end of the program when I picked them up to come home. They lasted about 20 minutes telling me what they did and then, BAM, they were fast asleep until we got back! I think it took #1 a week to recover.He has since been working on finishing up school, and today is to be the last day for him. I told him even if he had to take zeros, it has been long enough, and I am done with school! He thought that was funny. I guess it doesn't look hard to be the teacher. He has had a heavy load this year- 3 half credit courses, and full-credit Mythology, Geology, Spanish 2, Environmental Science, American Lit, World History, and PE. Some of those were Honors Courses, too. I imagine he is ready to be done with school too.
Hubby and I were out walking a couple of weeks ago, after we had had a whole LOT of rain. These little things kept jumping across the road where we were walking. I captured several, but only brought one home to show the boys. See how small it is compared to the penny? I swear there were hundreds this size all over the place. Neat.
So today, #2 heads off to play paintball with a couple of friends, #1 finishes up school, and Hubby and I do yard and outdoor housework. If I don't post for a while again, you can imagine I drowned in a powerwasher while cleaning the porch.
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