Wednesday, December 19, 2007

#2 has a little more trouble with the Santa letter. He constantly changes his mind. So a few weeks ago, maybe a month, he wrote Santa asking for an MP3 player and "lots of books." Then, last week when #1 sent his letter to Santa, #2 decided he would send one as well. He sealed it up and didn't tell me what he asked for. A couple of nights ago he came into the kitchen yelling, "Commercialism, commercialism! It's all turned into commercialism." He was speaking of Christmas. So I said, "Well you have turned it that way too. What did you ask Santa for?" "World peace." That was it. He asked for world peace. Hubby said they were coming home from Guys' Night Out the other day when #2 said he would like to have a couple of things. I believe they were a knitting book and a dragon book. #1 said, "You can't ask for that. I asked Santa for that and you can't get the same thing. What did you ask Santa for?" "World peace." "No, really." "I asked for world peace." "Well, what else did you ask for?" "Nothing." "Too bad." "Why?" "Because you aren't getting what you asked for." It seems we have a realist and a dreamer at our house. --------------- As hubby told me that story, he was reminded of it because he was taking the dog out. She did #1 and #2. I want to put a disclaimer here: In no way do I think of my children as processes of elimination. That thought had never occured to me, only to their father! I am ONLY speaking of birth order when I call them that. It is only for their protection and safety that I do thus, and in no way describes how I feel about them.

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