Monday, December 03, 2007

The Scrooge Family has the tree up and some decorations on the mantles. Just thought everyone would want to know. The boys put up the decorations on Saturday. #2 didn't feel the need to have them up since we will be gone for Christmas- my sentiments exactly! But #1 wanted to get them out. The truth be known, he didn't care about the decorations, he just wanted to get the Christmas movies out. -------- I kept track of everything we spent in 2007 and added and averaged on Saturday, and found out we did pretty well. I had thought we would need to start using the envelope system and watch more carefully, even start cutting our spending. But actually we did ok. We spent more fixing the house and not much at all on savings or retirement, but the equity in the house is probably a good idea. I did come to the conclusion, though, that some things could be cut. We will be eating out less, and a friend is coming this week to help me learn how to take advantage of grocery coupons. However, one of the biggest problems has been the animals. They really are a liability right now. So we will be getting rid of the rabbits and 2 of the goats. One of the goats is getting a second chance to produce a kid, but if she can't then she is out of here. I am in the market for a good dairy goat though. It would save us a lot of gas money to be able to milk our own instead of driving to the farm for fresh cow's milk. As far as the chickens go...they are being saved because they do occasionally offer me an egg, and because we are getting a butchered hog for Christmas and I won't have room in the freezer for the chickens too. So the hog's death is saving their life. --------- Speaking of the chickens...There is one that I have to put in the coop every night. She really likes to hang out in the manger. Last night I picked her up to put her away as usual, and she started purring! I thought for sure she couldn't be, but I looked it up and YES chickens do purr! She has become a sort of pet after all of the picking up at evening, so I guess she finally felt like showing me some love. She pushed against my chest, held my hand, and put her head against my shoulder in the crook of my neck. Who says chickens are mean?

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