Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I think it has to do with the hurricane that came through last month. Everyone is sick. One sweet little girl at church, aged four, has mono! My men are coughing and hacking, tired and irritable, but not dead enough to let them off the hook when it comes to work. I bought a bunch of medicine yesterday, and got carded! I don't think I would get carded in the ABC store!
Anyway I dosed #1 last night before bed, and I am letting both boys sleep a little longer this morning. They actually have a busy day, but they need some rest.
I was looking back at some old blog posts from years ago and discovered that I am not nearly as interesting or reflective as I used to be. I wish I were. I just seem to go from one thing to another. I do spend time in reflective thought, but I don't get it down nearly as often as I would like.
Just got a phone call. Another friend is sick and won't be at Odyssey of the Mind this morning. At least we aren't alone in our misery.

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