Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chainsaws Continued

My retreat began in earnest yesterday as my first full day of retreat dawned with cold, blowing mist. I didn't pack for winter weather, so I decided this was perfect for staying in and contemplating the view from the picture windows. Then the phone rang.
Son #1 is looking for a job and the updates, though exceedingly encouraging, were interrupting my solitude. Trucks drove by to the new coal mine excavation over the hill. Company showed up to visit. Others called to see if I had food, was comfortable, warm and dry.
And the blaring of chainsaws buzzing around me was still unable to deter me from my goal: Listen to God.
Jesus needed times of quiet, too. He escaped in the darkness to pray in a garden. He hiked up a hillside to listen to his father. He put out in a boat to enjoy some solitude. But every time he tried to be alone, there was also a willingness to grab hold of the chainsaw that rang out next to him.
So I answered the phone, talked to the company, and was still able to pray, to listen, to think.
Today has been quieter, the weather a bit improved, and my goal still the same: Listen to God. Honestly, I'm not sure if the chainsaws make it harder to listen or if they might be part of the music God wants me to dance to. All the same I'm willing to go at a few trees if need be.

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