Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

The following is a partial post from years ago.

My boys want to be like their Daddy. They want to try preaching and leading church services. They want to dress like him. They even talk about going to college for 14 years like Dad. Heaven forbid! They adore their dad.
My husband has a weight problem that results in a liver disorder, so he tries to watch his weight. One way that he does that is to order diet sodas when we are out at restaurants. The boys have noticed that and for a very long time have asked for diet as well. I wouldn't let them because I don't think the artificial sweeteners are good for them. This year I finally gave in and allowed them to order diet soda.
I was surprised that after the first time they still wanted diet sodas. Ugh! After a while though, I noticed that when they ordered it, they sat up a little taller and had a proud look as they peeked over at Dad. It wasn't the soda they were wanting, but to be like their father.
Last week, while ice skating, the younger one ordered a diet because he "needs to lose some weight". He is extremely skinny and wiry. I came home and told my husband what he had said. Without another word from me, my husband called the boy in the room and talked to him about why it is important for Dad to watch his weight, but not for the child. Health was the important factor, not weight loss.
I was so proud to see the father not only set the example, but explain the example as well. They play ball with their dad, watch his movies, and his every move. Oh that every child could have an earthly father like my children's. Loving, involved, interested, proud of his children.

Some things have changed; the boys don't order diet sodas. But some things have not changed; my boys still have the best dad ever!

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