Monday, July 09, 2012

Taylor County Camp

Here are pictures of the cutest kids not at camp. My mom and her sisters invited me to a girls' lunch out while I was home last week. We allowed one guy, since he was small enough to do as told. I talked with the middle one during lunch, and boy did she have a lot to say. Here is a message to her aunt who reads this blog, "Come over and watch us play ball when you can."
 Every morning at camp they raise the flag and then every evening they lower it. I remember it being a much more respectful event when I went to camp, but they do quiet down and stand. Citizenship and Etiquette are important in NC 4H. I guess not so much in WV anymore.
 The last evening of camp parents are allowed to attend the camp circle. After the flag lowering there are Reflections, and that night it was the Seneca Tribe's turn to lead. #2 helped lead the thoughts on making new friends and learning new things.
 During Council Circle the tribes do things like sing and skits. Here are the Cherokees trying to sing something.
 And one of our NC kids won a prestigious camp award: Head. Each H letter is awarded to one kid from camp and then one kid is awarded teh Spirit Award for embodying all four H's: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
The kids had a great time as usual and hope to attend next year. They said they really felt like a part of the WV family of campers this year.

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