Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4H State Project

Our 4H club always does a state project, January through June. There is a different state theme every year and you do a project that involves your community with the theme. This year the theme is Revolution of Responsibility. The kids chose to do several things- run a business, have a financial workshop for kids- but the biggest was to clean a community park each month. We actually cleaned a couple on some months, and boy the things you find! Here is #1's favorite find, some crazy big sunglasses!

 At this park #2 and the others had a great time playing on the swing. Our club has drastically shrunk in size this year, but we stuck with the project and finished it! We will find out in July if we place. Our club has always placed at least third in the state, but usually second or sometimes first. Just a little bragging.

 This year in 4H, my boys started leading another club. They are the volunteer leaders of the club at the local Montessori school. #1 does a program every month on some environmental topic, and #2 does a theater arts program. The kids seem to enjoy it, though some are on the wild side. We are done with that now until school starts again.
Now our next 4H event is presentations on Thursday and then heading to camp on Saturday. Aahh Summer!

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