Sunday, June 17, 2012

SGA Field Trip

May 31 we headed off on a field trip. The Student Gov't Assoc. paid for it, but I was the one in charge, which isn't as bad as it sounds. We went to Blue Jay Point in Wake County. I have been there a couple of times, and it is a wonderfully fabulous facility. I thought it would be a great last field trip for the kids for their school year. I think 15 of us went in the end, but next year will be bigger by virtue of all of the praise these kids had for it. I am certain they will tell all of their friends, and we will have a waiitng list next year. Hubby thinks I am nuts.
 But just look at how much FUN they are having !! Actually this part is from before we got to BJP. There is a state park very close nearby and we took the morning to swim in the lake, hike, play, and eat. The picture below is the kids walking the boundary rope in the lake. If you fell off you had to go to the front of the line.
 Here are the other two chaperones that went along. Looks like we were well cared for huh? Actually, even chaperones have to participate in the environmental activities. This one was to see if you could identify a tree by feeling it. They were good chaperones. The dad that went was a bit, um, concerned about letting the kids stay up at night and talk, so he stayed up with them. I went to bed. I need sleep, and they are good kids. Plus, who is going to do anything naughty with a girl's Marine dad staying at the place?!

You see #1 on the far left in the back? See the woman next to him? No? Yeah, the short, little girl..Yeah. That's a woman. She is the new SGA advisor. The kids like her, and I do too. She will be a lot of fun and still keep them in line.

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