Thursday, July 27, 2006

So my New Year's Resolution was to take life slower and I have often complained here that I can't seem to slow down life. There are so many good things to choose from, and I want my boys to have such good experiences, the best I can provide, and there are so many people I can help, and...And the year is halfway gone. I had a really good idea for the homeschool group I am in, and asked permission to start it. The idea would require little of me and so I was prepared to jump headfirst into it. But something inside has continued to stop me. Today my reading was about a simpler life. Knowing how to say yes and no. Being in God's Presence even amid the hustle of life; I know that I get more tense and stressed and away from the Presence the more I endeavor to do. The question Thomas Kelly put out was, "Do you really want to be in the Presence? Do you really want to slow down? Because you can always make time and a way for what you really want." Boy did that hit hard! So I have definitely decided to wait until next semester to think about starting the new program. Perhaps having the extra children a little less, as the youngest starts school this winter, will allow me a little more breathing space. Being done with the big 4-H trip will help, too. My husband suggested only doing music one semester and art the next, instead of trying a year of both. I will learn how to slow down, even if it is slowly.

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