Tuesday, August 01, 2006

School starts today. #2 just woke up and looked so sad. I asked what is wrong and he said, "It's time for school already and I didn't get to see any tv." I asured him it isn't. The electric went out while we were gone and we haven't set the clocks yet. The boys don't seem too upset about school. They were singing about it last night. The routine will probably be helpful to the discipline problems we have been having. The high school reunion went well. I was surprised by how old everyone else looks. I am sure my husband and I don't look like that!! It certainly made me start to realize just how old I am- not OLD, but growing in age. When I was in Canada my friend said she has had to recognize that her body needs exercise more than it needs more sleep. I have been thinking about that in regards to my time dilemma along with Kelly's "you get done what you really want to do". Still thinking, we'll see what happens.

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