Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Birthday, America!

Here is the All-American Holiday, Independence Day. It's the holiday that we made all by ourselves. Our history isn't long in the scheme of the world, but we did make our mark with this one. Today crowds will gather freely all over our nation. They will play games, eat, visit, pray, and shoot off illegal fireworks, all in the name of freedom. Now for my soapbox. You are not as free as you might think, and your freedoms are decreasing. I want everyone who reads this to know about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). You may not have heard of this little ditty, but it is attempting to change our life in America, Land of the Free. It is a UN Amendment that all but two UN nations have ratified, the USA and Somalia. It would give rights to the UN to overturn any government decision our courts might make about a child. Children would have the right to fight in court with their parents, and if our courts agreed with the parents, then it could be overturned by the UN court. Already this amendment has affected lives in other countries. Discipline, education, religious instruction have all been undermined by this amendment. The people who are trying to pass it here in the USA are expecting it to pass within the next two years. It is VERY important that you contact your Senators and Representatives and make sure that they are in support of the Parental Rights Amendment that would disallow the UNCRC. As you remember your freedoms' birthday today, email your representatives and tell them that you are in support of the Parental Rights Amendment, or the demise of freedom may be the next holiday we celebrate.

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