Monday, July 20, 2009


#1 is twelve years old. Some of you know exactly what that means. I have a friend who is a middle school librarian, and just the word twelve says a lot to her. So what does twelve mean? Twelve means that you forget how to comb your hair, aren't sure which drawer you keep socks in, how much to feed the animals that you have fed for 4 years, and to use shampoo every time you shower. Twelve means that you don't want anyone to see you with your mother, but in private you want hugs and kisses as much as a toddler. Twelve means you can forget to watch your attitude when speaking to elders, that you think you are old enough to be on your own, and that you don't know how to sweep the floor. Twelve means it is ALL about you. For example, we were contemplating going to a conference in the fall. The conference sponsors are going to have a community service evangelism program for middle and high school. I asked #1 if he would like to go. No. Why? It doesn't sound like fun. Ok. Not everything you do should be done for fun. Sometimes you do things just because people need you and it is important. No. It still doesn't sound like fun. So we decided twelve wasn't ready for such a project and dismissed the idea. Then we went to a friend's father's funeral in WV, and I commented that maybe we would see them next year. #1 asked why would we see them next year. Because they live in Nashville where the conference is. Oh the attitude changed! Maybe he should go help with this project after all. You see the friend has a 12 year old very pretty daughter. Hmm. I guess twelve understands more than we give it credit. ----------- Twelve left this morning for his first Big Boy/ Almost a Man Conference. He is attending 4-H Congress this week. He will stay at NC State in the dorms, get himself where he needs to be, give a presentation on basketball, and attend his first dance. He has slacks and ties for these events. We have tried to prepare him for this time, but you know twelve; forgetful. I'm hoping the best for him. He has been very excited, as well as anxious about it, for a couple of weeks.

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