Wednesday, July 01, 2009

You Just Never Know

You know the verse about being careful of what you do because you just might be entertaining angels? Well it works in other facets of life as well. Be careful of your opinions of others, because you just never know what they have gone through. I read Julie Andrews' autobiography, Home, last week. You know Julie Andrews. The very sweet, polite, proper lady. You know. Maria. Mary Poppins. Yes, that's the one. Did you know her parents split when she was very young? Her mother and stepfather were alcoholics? Her father wasn't her father? She was made to sit on the roof of the house as a young girl and listen for German planes? She watched her brothers get beaten, she lived with rats, and she was the sole support of the family when she was all of 17? Yeah, I didn't either. Who would know, huh? I was at the Farmer's Market last week and saw a friend of mine. We aren't close friends, more than aquaintances though. We started visiting, and one thing led to another, and we started talking about the shelter where I help once a month. I told her how odd and unfathomable some of it is to me. I had such a normal childhood, and have such a great marriage, that I just don't understand a lot of the behavior at the shelter. My friend told me she envies me. She grew up in a family with functioning alcoholics who were the first in the neighborhood to divorce. Her parents grew marijuana, bongs were all over the house, she was beaten, religion was shunned, "normal" for her was not normal for me. But, again, who knew? Yes, she is a bit different, but mostly she is normal, sweet and kind. You definitely wouldn't look at her and say, "Now there is a woman who was abused as a kid." I guess that says two things to me. One: I should not assume that everyone who seems ok is ok. Two: My children have a chance of being "normal." May God bless them with the spirit to look past my mistakes and grow to be Great Men. ======= The boys attended a day camp today that covered different topics and programs. One of the classes was on making your own household products. They came home with "Edible Dust Destroyer." It is furniture polish made with oil and lemon juice. I made #2 stop sucking on it. I don't care if it is edible.

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