Friday, October 02, 2009


I don't understand homosexuality, nature vs. nurture and all that. I do know, however, that I have a few gay animals. One of the goats, Madison, is in love with Emma. Madison still ovulates and is fertile, but she tries to mount Emma constantly. She chases and bites Emma just as if she were a billy after a nanny. She seems to despise Sam. Is she gay? Seems that way to me. I have a couple of transvestite hens, too. They have grown bigger than the roosters, with fancy shmancy tails and big combs and wattles. The other hens try to ignore them, even running them off from everyone else. The two are always together. They have no other friends. I have seen them circle each other like a rooster does before mounting. Today one of them "came out of the closet" so to speak. She started crowing, and kept it up all morning. I haven't had eggs from the two of them in a while, so I guess they have given in to their new persona. Why am I writing this? Well, last weekend I took several kids to a youth rally. I was very disappointed in the speaker. One of the things he did was put down gays and became very condescending. All I could think of was, "What if there is a kid here who needs to talk to someone? He/she certainly won't want to now." Oh be careful little mouth what you say. For the Father up above is looking down in love...and someone may need to hear from Him through you. Don't become another hen pecking at those who are different to keep their distance.

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