Monday, July 05, 2010

Camp and Home

There were a couple of funny stories from camp. The first is that one of the boys whose mother also went was trying to avoid being seen with her. She would walk around to classes to take pictures and he would look the other way seeming to silently pray that she would leave soon. The night of the dance he was having a great time and was smiling from ear to ear. Then he turned around to see me and his mother standing there and the smile quickly vanished and he headed in another direction! She and I burst out laughing! The other story is about snow. One morning at breakfast some of the WV girls were asking the NC girls if we get snow days off of school. They said yes but we only get an inch or so of snow. In fact, we get snow days just at the prediction of snow! One of the WV girls responded that she loves snow days so she can go sledding. The NC girls said that they can't sled because there aren't any hills. The WV girls' mouths dropped open. "No hills!? Then how do you ski?" Um...back to the inch of snow... WV is what I consider home. It was where I was born and raised, met my Lover, and where I return for family visits. I guess if you never leave home though you can't understand how other people think and understand life. If you only know hills and snow then you can't imagine not skiing. I love home, but I think I have been enriched to experience other temporary homes through the years. Of course, WV is Almost Heaven so perhaps I won't be too surprised when I finally go to my real Home.

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