Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Scheduling Happy Time

We had to have a sit down with the teachers and student last week. It seems that #1 was doing his work with great speed but not with great accuracy. We had to give him a schedule: Algebra 8-8:50, Biology 9-9:50, Comp 10-10:50, etc. At the close of the conference, his father asked if he had any questions. "Why does school have to be so boring?!" I guess he isn't enjoying the structure. Of course I have the same issues...Why does housework, grading papers, shopping, writing reports, paying bills, ironing, whatever I am doing and don't want to be doing, have to be so boring? I can look for the enjoyment that I get out of each...pride in a job well done, saving money, looking good...but sometimes I can get overwhelmed with everything else that is on my plate and forget to look for the happy parts. #1 has a 10 minute break scheduled between subjects, so last Friday he asked his brother to "fight" with him for 10 minutes. They bought Nerf swords not long ago and they like to duel with them. #2 was not being agreeable since he had school work to finish or he couldn't go to a birthday party. Finally I said, "I'll fight you. Come on!" So out we went with the swords. Then he hit me with it! "You don't hit me with it!" "That's what we do! We hit each other." "Well you guys are stupid. Those things hurt!" He just laughed at me. By the end he had my adrenaline up, and I was hitting him back. It ended up being a happy part of my day. I'll have to remember that beating children can add pleasure to a stressful day, of course that child is 5 feet 10 1/2 inches now and can whup me if he takes a mind to. Better take on the little one next time!

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