Friday, September 24, 2010

Slowing Down

I have been learning about "Margin" in my Wednesday evening small group. No, it isn't a butter substitute, but recognizing the need to leave extra...extra time, extra money, extra energy, etc. This past Wednesday we were especially looking at time. The speaker said that if you will give God your schedule, and put Him at the beginning of it, God will make sure that everything that needs to be done gets done. So this morning after I woke and started my morning prayers as usual, I noticed that I was beginning the day stressed with all that needed doing before we headed out on our day long field trip. I decided that even though I really didn't feel that I had time for devotion right then, I needed to give God the first place, first importance, rightful spot. I headed to the living room, said a little prayer, and started my reading for the day. After I finished I started into all of the things that had to get done. I did not have enough time to get them done, but I went after it anyway. Strangely, each time I finished something on my list, I would look at my watch and only a few minutes would have passed. After a while I kept looking just to see if it were really only a few minutes. Somehow God slowed time for me. I was able to finish what needed doing, AND I sat down to eat breakfast. I remembered everything I needed for the day, got all of the chores done, and was relaxed. Guess what I will be doing tomorrow morning.

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