Thursday, May 04, 2006

Calvin and Hobbes strike again. Sunday at church I heard my youngest say to one of the elders, "I know where babies come from." "Oh you do?" the elder asked and continued to stir his coffee with a look that said 'I hope this conversation isn't going any further.' "Yeah, you get them at Sears. But my brother came from KMart. He was a blue light special, real cheap." We were all relieved. Yesterday I was working in the garden when I heard #2, 4, & 5 talking about a snake. I thought they were pretending and went on with my weeding. Then I heard, "Wow look how long it is! It's really alive too." That's when I took off running for the toy shed yelling, "Get out of there! Is there really a snake?!" Well yes there was really a snake and they were having a great time looking at it and watching it crawl around. I got them out of the shed and onto the porch and yelled for my hero hubby to come take care of that horrible thing. It was a harmless field snake and he took it over to the property beyond ours. I am SO glad I am not a guy! We had lettuce, onions, and radishes from our garden this evening. I love growing a garden!

1 comment:

Diane B said...

how wonderful it wasn't a harmful snake. thanks for sharing.