Tuesday, May 23, 2006

OK, if girls are unreasonable human beings, boys are just stupid. Thinking about the flaws of the females made me turn to the flaws of the males. They are so competitive and all about power that they just do stupid things. Who can jump off the roof into the pool? Who can make a parachute and jump out of a tree? Who tries to wrestle people three times their size and expects to win? Who absolutely has to climb the hitching post and won't relax until a method to do it is discovered? The answer: All of these were done by males that I personally know. I got the results back yesterday from the boys' standardized tests. They are required to take it here in NC. I was very pleased with their progress from last year. I had reason to be concerned. It seems the third grade boys during testing had a race against the girls to see who could finish first. At break time another mom and I were told about it and were proudly informed that the boys were winning! We quickly put a stop to that, but I was unsure what damage was already done. It seems we are safe. Thankfully they aren't too stupid.

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