Saturday, February 03, 2007

5 Baby rabbits entered the world yesterday afternoon. There are 4 black and white spotted and 1 black. Christa made a great nest and they are very warm and comfy despite the cold weather. I figured out hte January bills last night and discovered that I made $28 on the farm this past month. Of course, I spent more than that on the animals, but at least it is a little more balanced. Plus we get great milk and eggs! ________________ I took the boys to the community building last evening to register for martial arts classes. No one showed up to register the kids. There were about 40 children there, mostly very young, and one of the parents started organizing games with them to keep the kids occupied while we waited. It was such a good thing to do. At the same time, another parent was moaning and complaining about all of it, and then felt her child had been called out when he wasn't. (I didn't see the play so I don't know.) She continued to complain during the 45 minutes we were there. Then at the end of the time, we signed a paper saying we were there and they will call us about the class. I passed the sign-up sheet to the complaining woman and gave her the pen too. She said she had a pen. I said well it wasn't mine and maybe it would be good to pass it on with the sheet for those who may not have a pen. "Whatever Lady," was her remark. I walked off mumbling to myself about what a pleasant person she was, but when I got to the car, I realized I should have responded with sympathy for someone who must have been having a rough day. Christian responses are not instinctual.

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