Monday, February 19, 2007

Well the kids are back. I got them on Friday and we made it back for #1's first martial arts class. He said he remembered a lot of it from when he took lessons years ago in TX. He will also be taking martial arts on Fridays for the next 6 weeks in co-op so he ought to be good at it. The kids had a cotton day on Saturday with 4-H. They each had sewn a knapsack. #2 won first place in his age category. #1 somehow missed that he was supposed to put his article in to be judged. But perhaps that is better since he won't have any hurt feelings. So by Saturday evening the kids had meltdown from too much vacation and a long 4-H day. We spent it quietly trying not to kill anyone, though Daddy said they were about to head to Military School. Sunday we went to see Bridge to Terabithia. It is very, very sad. It wasn't really what my kids would normally watch, but I think it was ok for #1. Probably 4 grade and up would be best. There is a little swearing, be warned. ______________ I found out that a friend keeps a Sunday "Sabbath" and I plan to ask about it. Hopefully I will learn something.

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