Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I had a thought yesterday that was new to me. I was thinking about places that stop everything if they find a spotted snowy owl, or some other rare species. My thought had always been, "That is ridiculous for one owl. What really does it matter?" Yesterday the thought came to me, "What if someone said that about a person?" I know people are more important in the scheme of things than animals, but didn't the same God create the owl that created me? Should I berate the craftsmanship He put into the one, just to advance the other? ____________ I had a great day yesterday. All 5 children were here all day, and I still got a good bit done. It was helpful that I could send them outside too. Love that Spring-like weather!! Anyway, my Mountain heritage was coming out and I was cleaning and working up a storm. I finished my Man Who Moved a Mountain a couple of days ago. It was a very good book about a culture becoming exposed to the love of Jesus. I most definitely recommend it.

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